
Three Things

A New Year always sparks in me a desire to be more intentional with my time, my thoughts, and my home.  It's the season of starting anew and I love the opportunity to ponder what I want this new year to look like for me and my family.

In years past I have been a new year's resolution type of girl.  I enjoyed writing my goals down and posting them somewhere for all to see.  These days I'm more of a think about, talk about, and implement kind of girl.  I am not going to write anything down this year.  I'm not going to hold myself accountable to eat a fruit and a vegetable everyday.  (Although I probably should.)  But, I am going to try and think about how I want myself and my family to live differently this year and these are the three things that have been on my mind and heart.

As my belly balloons, I am awakened earlier and earlier each morning.  This baby boy surely loves to keep his momma awake!  He usually is moving around about 5:30 or 6, just a few hours after I have gotten up to use the bathroom for the second or third time during the night.  I roll over and dream about going back to sleep (and sometimes I do), but mostly I pull my large self out of bed and head upstairs for some reading and quiet time with God and myself. Guys, this time has been my saving grace during this busy season of Christmas and our renovation.  It allows me a slow start to the day without my babes starting the day for me.  I love it.  I know it won't last forever with a new baby coming in just over a month, but I am enjoying this time while I can and want to remember that a quiet hour in the morning might just be what I need to stay sane in the future with three littles at home.

I just read the book The More of Less and it is so so good.  Books like this I could devour everyday.  Every new year I am ready to purge and with my nesting hitting it's peak, I might be a little happy to get rid of anything and everything that we don't need or want or that has just been taking up space in our home for far too long.  This book is not a minimalist book like others, but gives a practical, not weird approach and ties in Jesus as being the first minimalist.  It's so good and as I go through my house and decide what to keep and donate, it has made it easier to let go of the things that we really don't need and could benefit others.  As our renovation wraps up, I want to be intentional about the things we bring into our new spaces and only choose things we need or make us happy.  My goal is to not just fill spaces!

Kevin and I sat down yesterday and chatted about what we want this new year to look like for our family.  It's hard because we really don't know what it's going to look like with the coming of a new baby, but we wanted to discuss how we could help each other through this next season.  One thing we agreed was important was sitting down each week to connect and go over each other's calendars.  It seems our calendars get fuller and fuller and I need to work on protecting our family time as much as possible, as quality time is Kevin's love language and, what can I say, we are both homebodies.  Communication is so important in a marriage and at times this year we didn't communicate something as simple as a dinner with friends or the dates family members would to be in town.  It made for some disappointing conversations, so we are going to try and be better about knowing what each other's weeks looks like with a little Sunday afternoon sit down.

I am looking forward to another year and what 2017 will bring...a renovation complete, a new baby boy to bring home, a family to nurture and love, and so many unknown surprises that lie ahead.  Cheers (with sparkling apple juice) to the new year!

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