
Life Lately

As I have mentioned 4,532 times, I love fall.  The cooler temps, the warm drinks, football, and cozying up on the couch with my littles are just a few of my favorite things about this lovely season.  

As my babes grow older, I am starting to feel life get a bit busier or try to, at least, especially in the fall.  There are things to be done, places to go, people to see, and a million organized things to sign up for.  Kevin and I are just starting to experience the pulls of this season of 'busy-ness' and we are trying to hold fast to our belief to be home as a family as much as possible.  

As we debated what to get involved with this fall, we thought about what is important to us.  The number one thing we want for our children is to grow up knowing and loving Jesus.  So, we took the leap and our sweet Luke is officially a Cubbie every Wednesday night at church.  It is surely a commitment, as we drive him an hour each way, but it's so worth it, and the kid just loves it.  It's simply the best to watch him memorize Bible verses and learn more about Jesus and he adores Cubbie bear.  His joy before and after Wednesday nights is enough to keep me trekking him there every week.

Another thing we are involved with this fall is our Journey Group or Bible study group.  We are going through the book of Genesis as a church until Christmas and as many times as I've heard the story of Adam and Eve and creation, I am getting a new and fresh perspective this time around.  It doesn't hurt that I get to study with some of my favorite people.  

As you probably saw on Instagram, we are going to be welcoming a baby boy to our family in February.  We are so thrilled he is healthy and strong and we already have a name picked out, so now we just wait. :)  Luke and Lily talk about him daily and it's so sweet to watch their little minds think about this new life growing inside Mommy's belly.

Crazy as it may sound, we are undergoing an addition and renovation this fall and winter, hopefully finishing up right before baby comes.  As I write this, it is pouring rain outside, which is totally not boding well for our timeline. We are excited and nervous and totally not prepared for doing a reno with kids, but know it will be oh so worth it in March when we are enjoying our new space. Plus, the kids have built in entertainment for the next four months.(See below.)

Life is fantastic and messy and unexpected these days and I am grateful for this season of cooler temps, warmer clothes, and change for our family.  Life lately is pretty good.

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