
Random Picture Friday: Living a Glamorous Life

Happy Friday, all!  If you're like me, you are ready for this weekend!  Kevin and I are heading to Kansas City for A Weekend to Remember and we are so excited.  We have never been and have heard nothing but good things about this marriage conference.  Praise Jesus for grandparents.  Luke and Lily have some great ones and get to spend some special time with them this weekend.

Today I want to talk about my life with littles.  I have always dreamed of being a 'stay at home mom' and I am lucky enough to be able to stay home everyday and care for Luke and Lily.  I can honestly say I am living my dream.  I also love taking care of our home and garden, as well as cooking meals for my family.  I should have been a mom in the 50s.  But, I'm glad I'm not because I love Target and Starbucks and Amazon and online shopping.  Like...a lot.  Okay, I'm getting off track here, Target does that to me.

Even though I am living my dream, there are hours, days, weeks that are not what I imagined this dream to be.  Caring for sick kids, Abel carrying dead animals around the yard (this happens a lot), my child not wanting to potty train, and breaking up toddler fights throughout the day are just a few of the happenings that make my life look pretty unglamorous.  And from an outsider, it is probably just that, so unglamorous.  But, the truth is...it is glamorous.  In all the glory of my leggings and undone hair, I am a witness to the growing up of little humans.  God trusted me to care for my littles and it is a privilege and an honor to watch them grow into their little selves each and everyday.  I have to remind myself of this on the hard hours before Kevin gets home or the fifteen minutes before nap time when we are all ready to just. be. done.  If I look hard enough, I can find a bit of glamour everyday...in the way Luke says 'oh Lily' after she spills something or the way Luke smirks at me when he knows I am about to tickle him or the way Lily nuzzles her little head between my head and my shoulder...those are the moments that make this life, my life, oh so glamorous.  

Whether you are a stay at home mom or a working mom, you know the hard times and the glamorous moments when you just wish time would stop.  My prayer for you today is that you embrace those glamorous moments and think of them when you have one of the hard ones.  

Have a blessed weekend, friends!

Luke loves playing with his cars on the counter...everyday.

We went to the Children's Museum last Friday night as a family.  It was a tad bit busy, but we made the most of it!

It's funny how Luke always loves the 'bank' part of the museum.  Maybe following in Daddy's footsteps??

Lily wanted her face painted; girls are so different than boys!

Spending all the time we can outside.

One of those glamorous moments...

Luke reading to Gaga.

Short sleeves in March??!

Mom life

We were so excited to find spring flowers!

Luke climbed into Lily's crib when he 'got her up from nap'.

Picnic outside

We had a baby shower for our sweet friend, Annie.  She is having a baby boy any day now!

Who knew Home Depot could be so much fun?

Visiting Daddy and writing on his office window.  This about became an unglamorous moment when they started writing on other surfaces...

More outside fun.

Lily just loves Abel.

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