
Random Picture Friday

It. Is. Friday.  I have been ready since Tuesday.  Anybody else?

Easter weekend was oh so much fun, but it took me a few days to recover from it all and get my bearings back.  We traveled to my hometown for the weekend and while we fit in so many visits and fun times, I was exhausted on Monday morning.  I am so thankful I am able to stay home and take a day to do laundry and get back on track.

As we got back into our normal routine, I had something come up that I have been putting on the back burner for awhile.  An issue that I needed to make a decision on and move forward.  I thought and analyzed this situation from Tuesday until well, now.  I am ready to take a few days off from all the 'thinking' and 'analyzing' that is going on inside my head.  As a type-A personality (and a woman), I sometimes tend to overthink and overanalyze, just ask my sweet hubby.  #poorkevin  Thankfully, we are heading across the big 'ole state of Iowa to visit Kevin's sister's family and some friends, which will be a welcome distraction.  It has been quite awhile since we have visited them, so we are all really looking forward to it.  Whenever I have something big going on in my head, it always helps to take a step back, get distracted, and allow my mind time to roam and enjoy what is right in front of me.  That is EXACTLY what I will be doing this weekend.

If you had a week like mine, I hope you are able to take a respite from all that hard thinking you did this week.  

Have a blessed weekend all!

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